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ARISE Infectious Disease Project

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What is an Infection?

 An infection is the invasion of an organisms body tissue by disease-causing agents. There are four different types of infection, Endogenous an infection or disease originated within the body, Exogenous infection or disease originated outside the body, Nosocomial, infection acquired and Opportunistic, an infection that occurs when the body's defenses are weak.  A pathogen is microorganisms that cause disease. Susceptible means someone likely to be harmed or influenced by a particular thing. A host is a place were pathogens live. Someone who is susceptible to contracting a disease is a susceptible host because a pathogen can enter their system and live there. And a disease is the result of the invading pathogen causing impairment in the host.

What is the difference between a virus and bacteria? A virus is the smallest of pathogens. Needless to say, 100 million viruses can fit inside a single bacterium. another difference is that bacteria are alive while viruses alone arent, they need to attach themselves to a host in order to reproduce and spread. Finally, an illness caused by bacteria can be cured with antibiotics while a viral disease can be treated but not cured. 

Chain of Infection There are six main parts of the chain of infection. The first part is the causative agent basically the pathogen such as a bacteria or a virus that can cause the disease. Then follows the reservoir, the place where the causative agent can live. After is the portal of exit, the way for the causative agent to escape the reservoir. The mode of transmission is next this is the way that the causative agent can be transmitted to a host. Then the portal of entry this is the way that the agent enters the body. Then finally, the susceptible host this is basically the individual that can contract the disease.


1." Virus and Bacteria," Assignment Point.

2.¨Dengue Fever,¨ EMedicine

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Dengue is a round shaped, single positive-stranded RNA. It's most common in Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific islands, but the virus has been increasing rapidly in Latin America. This virus is transmitted through mosquito bites and then spreads through the bloodstream. Dengue attacks multiple parts of the body, there is no specific area that is harmed more than others.

Once contracted, the symptoms of dengue consist of nausea or vomiting, chills, fatigue, fever, rashes, joint pain, pain in the back, back of the eyes and bleeding from gums and nose. Dengue can be very painful but it's not fatal, the person infected can start feeling better after several days. Although if not treated immediately it can be deadly. The incubation period is typically 4-7 days and the duration of the virus is 3-10 days. 


1."Dengue Fever" Medicine Net.

2.¨Host Response to the Dengue Virus," Scitable.

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Immune response

A person gets infected with the dengue virus when an infected mosquito bites them. The virus infects nearby skin cells called keratinocytes, the most common cell type in the skin. The dengue virus also infects and replicates inside a specialized immune cell located in the skin, a type of dendritic cell called a Langerhans cell. They specialize in antigen presentation and belong to the skin immune system 

The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. The way that the immune system fights back this disease is by producing antibodies to neutralizer the dengue. Antibodies Y-shaped protein produced mainly by plasma cells that are

used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. The vaccine helps strengthen the antibodies. When the infection occurs the antibodies multiply and neutralize the dengue viral particles and complement system are activated,  to help the antibodies and white blood cells remove the virus. It also causes high fevers to kill the pathogens as well as harsh coughing to push the pathogen out.


"Dengue Fever" Medicine Net.

¨Dengue Fever,¨ EMedicine

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Defenses Available 

Treatment: The defense available for the dengue virus is the Dengvaxia vaccine. It was created by Sanofi Pasteur in December 2015. This vaccine isn't something that is taken at a young age its taken before going to a place that is known to have this virus. Its taken in a 3 dose series in a 6 to 12 month period.  If someone wants to avoid getting infected by dengue they should always apply mosquito repellent and wear long sleeves or in general cover up! Also if known to be in an area with many mosquitoes use mosquito nets while sleeping. 

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue. But if you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding. You should also rest, drink plenty of fluids. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) can alleviate pain and reduce fever. Avoid pain relievers that can increase bleeding complications such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve, others)

Sources: "Sanofi" Chemistry World.

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